Cristina González
She is a professional in the field of Human Resources and has over 20 years of experience in Strategic and Corporative Management.
- Member of the Board of the Fundación Humane.
- Member of the Institulo Español de Resiliencia’s directive committee
- Member of the SETEPT (Sociedad Española de Especialistas de Estrés Postraumático.)
- Member of the Academia Americana de Expertos en Estrés Postraumático.
- Porfessor of Business Ethics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, campus Villanueva.
- Teacher of courses and seminars for directives.
- Director of the program PAFME (Programa de Asesoramiento y Formación para Mujeres Emprendedoras)
- Promoter and adviser of improvement processes in commitment management.
- Expert in quality control systems.